Success Rate of MTA Pulpotomy on Vital Pulp of Primary Molars: A 3-Year Observational Study
Brinda Godhi
Citation Information :
Godhi B. Success Rate of MTA Pulpotomy on Vital Pulp of Primary Molars: A 3-Year Observational Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2016; 9 (3):222-227.
Introduction: Vital pulp therapy is a major contributor in the preservation of primary dentition after caries affliction. Introduction of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has revolutionized such treatment.
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate and correlate the effects of MTA clinically and radiographically on pulpotomized primary molars till their exfoliation or extraction followed by histological evaluation.
Study design: This is an observational study.
Materials and methods: A total of 25 teeth were selected from 5- to 8-year-old children requiring pulp therapy on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criterion. The teeth were treated by conventional pulpotomy technique under aseptic conditions using MTA and were immediately restored with stainless steel crown. The teeth were assessed postoperatively till 36 months. The exfoliated or extracted teeth were examined histologically.
Results: The pulpotomized teeth were vital with no adverse clinical findings during the observation period. After 3 months, one tooth showed internal resorption, but the same was not observed after 12 months. Pulp canal obliteration was seen in three cases. At the end of the study, five teeth were exfoliated and one tooth was extracted for maintaining arch symmetry. The histological examination of extracted tooth revealed the presence of healthy pulp and the area of true calcification. Remaining exfoliated teeth presented dentin bridge formation.
Statistics: Frequencies and percentages were used for descriptive statistics. Fisher's exact tests were used to see the difference between clinical and radiological findings. The probability value was fixed at 5% level of significance.
Conclusion: The response of pulp in primary teeth to MTA was favorable in all cases from clinical and radiographic perspective, and histological evaluation confirmed the observation.
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