Evaluation of the Quality of Educational Content of YouTube Videos on Silver Diamine Fluoride
Satish Vishwanathaiah, Prabhadevi C Maganur, Yazeed K Al-Shomrani, Haider H Alhijji, Almaha Yahya A Koriri, Jubarah Mohammed M Mergami, Fatimah Balqasim M Hakami, Ruba Mohammed A Salem, Ismail A Alaama, Razan Abdullah A Mahdi, Hanan Hussain Najmi, Apathsakayan Renugalakshmi, Ganesh Jeevanandan, Varsha Manoharan
Aim: The aim of this research is to assess the accuracy and educational content concerning silver diamine fluoride (SDF) videos available on YouTube.
Materials and methods: Videos were sought on YouTube using relevant keywords related to SDF in pediatric dentistry via the Google Trends application. There were a total of 70 videos accessible. Following the application of exclusion criteria, 54 videos were chosen for analysis in this study. Video data were reviewed, including the video type, quantity of likes and dislikes, view count, upload duration, and the efficacy of the videos was evaluated.
Results: The majority of the assessed videos were classified as educational (81.4%), uploaded by healthcare professionals, and were moderately useful. A significant difference was observed in the duration (p = 0.02) between the educational videos (4.15 ± 2.17) and testimonial videos (2.12 ± 1.8). The association between viewing rate and usefulness score was found to be statistically significant, with videos categorized as moderately useful having the highest viewing rate (p = 0.04). Correlation analysis revealed that the usefulness score had a statistically significant negative correlation with the number of likes (r = –0.22) and a positive correlation with the number of views (r = 0.67) and view rate (r = 0.514).
Conclusion: The information available on YouTube regarding SDF was found to be satisfactory to some extent, and healthcare professionals should be encouraged to upload quality educational and testimonial videos on the uses and applications of SDF.
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