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Kaul B, Gulbar S, Gupta A, Mahajan N, Kaul S. Be Qui Vive: Unravel the Mystery of Undiagnosed for Better Prognosis. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (4):501-509.
Foreign bodies may access the oral cavity by trauma or iatrogenically. Iatrogenic foreign bodies that are frequently encountered include amalgam, obturation materials, shattered equipment, needles, broken teeth, and so on. Impaction of a tooth or bone fragment in the soft tissues is one type of dental trauma. When foreign bodies are found in the teeth, it's a highly grave scenario that requires prompt diagnosis. Thorough case histories, clinical assessments, and radiographic analyses are required to draw conclusions regarding the type, dimensions, location, and challenge of the foreign body retrieval. Due to the well-known tendency of children to put foreign objects in their mouths, it is more frequently observed in them. From time to time, children get strange items lodged in their teeth, which they are afraid to tell their parents about. These foreign objects might store possible infections, which could eventually result in a painful condition. This paper discusses the presence of unusual foreign bodies—a broken pencil and tooth fragment—and their management.
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