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Gunasekaran R, Sharmin D, Jaganathan G, Ravindran V. Comparative Evaluation of Wear Strength and Compressive Strength of Two Pit and Fissure Sealants with a Nanofilled Resin Coating: An In Vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (1):31-35.
Introduction: The role of sealants for pits and fissures has been emphasized in caries prevention. Considering the advantages of a surface sealer and the effects of its application over restorative materials; the study is aimed at evaluating two pit and fissure sealants with a nanofilled resin coating.
Materials and methods: In this in vitro double-blinded study, a total of 60 caries-free extracted third molars were collected and divided into two groups of 30 each receiving either a resin-based sealant (Helioseal F) or a glass ionomer-based sealant (GC Fuji VII). Each sample was then applied with GCoat Plus surface sealer. 15 samples each containing GC Fuji VII and 15 containing Helioseal F were then subjected to wear. Another 15 samples of GC Fuji VII and 15 of Helioseal F were subjected to compressive load.
Results: On assessing the wear strength, the weight loss in group I (resin sealant with surface sealer) was 1.73 ± 0.50 (μg) which was statistically significant (p = 0.023). There was no significant difference in comparing the wear depth between both groups. There was a high statistically significant difference when assessing the compressive strength, group II (glass ionomer sealant with surface sealer) had 3566.4 ± 757 (μm) when compared to group I (resin sealant with surface sealer) 1568.53 ± 680 (p ≤ 0.01).
Conclusion: Sealants are known for their poor retention and keeping that in mind we designed this study to evaluate the physical properties of sealants with a resin coating over them. Within the limitations of this study, the conclusions are glass ionomer sealant showed greater resistance to wear when compared to the resin-based sealant and the resin-based sealant showed higher compressive strength values than the glass ionomer sealant.
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