Comparative Evaluation of Single Rotary File System and Sequential Multi-file Rotary Systems on Time for Biomechanical Preparation and Obturation Quality in Single-visit Pulpectomy Protocol: A Double-blind Randomized Clinical Trial
Background: Single-visit pulpectomy (SVP) protocol with rotary files is highly recommended for the treatment of teeth with irreversible pulpitis. Various rotary endodontic files specially designed for use in the pediatric population are available. The aim is to clinically assess the parameters related to the time required for biomechanical preparation (TBMP) and quality of filling using a single file system vs a sequential multi-file system in infected primary mandibular molars.
Materials and methods: A total of 45 infected primary molars were allocated to three groups (two experimental groups (n = 15) and a control group. The first experimental group was instrumented using NiTi K-Flex files, the second group with a single file rotary system with variably variable (VV) taper, and the third with a sequential multi-file system with constant taper. Biomechanical preparation time was recorded and standardized digital radiograph (RVG) were taken pre- and postinstrumentation. The data recorded was sent for statistical analysis.
Conclusion: There is a substantial reduction of TBMP in primary molars using single file VV taper and multi-sequential file constant taper. Obturation time for all three file systems was comparable and there were no differences between the three file systems used (p > 0.05). Multi-sequential file constant taper files showed a higher probability of optimal obturations and minimal voids followed by NiTi “K-Flex” files and single file system but the difference was nonsignificant (p > 0.05). However, using a rotary in primary teeth results in better canal shape, and less TBMP leading to a better quality of treatment in less time.
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