Context: The smear layer produced during the instrumentation of the root canal contains both organic and inorganic components, and it is recommended to be removed as it has a mixture of bacteria and their byproducts. Irrigants like sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), endodontic irrigant, citric acid, etc., possess the ability to remove the smear layer. Considering the antimicrobial effect, antiinflammatory, cavity disinfectant, nontoxicity, better taste, and aroma of herbal products, a novel approach has been introduced in the field of endodontics.
Aims: To assess the efficacy of passion fruit juice in removing the smear layer and its erosive potential in root canals after instrumentation by scanning electron microscopy.
Materials and methods: About 35 single-rooted premolars were divided into five groups—30% passion fruit extract (PFE), 17% EDTA, 17% EDTA + 5.25% NaOCl, 30% PFE + 17% EDTA, and saline. Following irrigation with the above irrigants, each tooth was split into two halves and examined and scored for smear layer removal (modified Torabinejad's criteria) using a scanning electron microscope.
Statistical analysis: Overall comparison of the irrigant's action on removing the smear layer and their erosive potential was done using the Kruskal–Wallis test, and intergroup comparison of the irrigant action was done using the Mann–Whitney U test. All the statistical analyses were set with a significance level of p < 0.05.
Results: A total of 30% PFE produced less erosion and statistically significant smear layer removal in the coronal and middle third of the root. When combined with 17% EDTA, it effectively removed the smear layer in all three-thirds of the root. Around 30% PFE + 17% EDTA is less erosive when compared to 17% EDTA + 5.25% NaOCl.
Conclusion: This study revealed that 30% PFE and 30% PFE + 17% EDTA are promising irrigants as root canal disinfectants in endodontics.
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