Citation Information :
Gupte MP, Mistry LN, Jawdekar A. Challenges and Treatment Considerations with Comprehensive Rehabilitation of a Case of Taurodontism in Primary Dentition: A Case Report and Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023; 16 (3):510-514.
Background: Taurodontism is an anomalous developmental condition where the coronal portion of the tooth is enlarged while the radicular portion is compromised. This may have important clinical implications while considering endodontic or exodontic procedures which may affect the technique of the treatment or its prognosis.
Case Report: This article describes the case of a 4-year-old female girl with molars exhibiting taurodontism with its clinical management and a review of this unique clinical condition.
Conclusion: This case report and review summarizes the diagnosis, classification, clinical management challenges and comprehensive rehabilitation of taurodontism in primary teeth.
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