Comparative Evaluation of Maintenance of Cell Viability of an Experimental Transport Media “Ringer's Lactate” with Dextrose Normal Saline ORS Egg White and Infant Milk Formula for Transportation of an Avulsed Tooth
Keywords :
Avulsed teeth, Dextrose normal saline, Egg White, Infant milk formula, ORS, Ringer's lactate, Storage medium
Citation Information :
Kumar P, Kotumachagi SS, Fabi AJ, Srivastava P, Shanmugam AK, Rajendran R. Comparative Evaluation of Maintenance of Cell Viability of an Experimental Transport Media “Ringer's Lactate” with Dextrose Normal Saline ORS Egg White and Infant Milk Formula for Transportation of an Avulsed Tooth. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023; 16 (3):453-458.
Background and objective: The viability of the periodontal ligament (PDL) cells on the root surface of the avulsed tooth determines the prognosis of the replanted tooth, which in turn is determined by a suitable transport medium in which the tooth was stored. The aim of the present study is to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of Ringer's lactate (RL) as a storage medium for an avulsed tooth in maintaining the PDL cell viability with dextrose normal saline (DNS), oral rehydration salt (ORS), egg white (EW), and infant milk formula (IMF).
Materials and methods: A total of 85 freshly extracted human teeth were divided into five experimental groups and two control groups. The positive and negative controls corresponded to 0-minute and 8-hour dry time, respectively. The experimental teeth were stored dry for 30 minutes and then immersed in one of five experimental media (RL, DNS, ORS, EW, and IMF) for 45 minutes. The teeth were then treated with collagenase type III and trypsin for 10 minutes. The number of viable PDL cells was counted with a hemocytometer and analyzed.
Results: Statistical analysis showed that IMF, RL, and EW had no statistically significant differences among them in maintaining the viability of the PDL cells but were significantly better than DNS. No statistically significant difference between RL, EW, and ORS in the number of viable PDL cells.
Conclusion: Infant milk formula (IMF), RL, and EW showed similar results within the parameters of the study; they can be used as alternative storage media for avulsed teeth. DNS showed poor results, and ORS could serve as short-term storage media if the other solutions are not readily available.
Clinical significance: The search for an appropriate storage media with favorable pH and osmolality along with easy availability is the basic thought behind this study.
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