Displacement Pattern, Stress Distribution, and Archwire Play Dimensions during En-masse Retraction of Anterior Teeth using Sliding Mechanics: A FEM Study
Keywords :
En-masse retraction, Finite element model, Height of power arm, Play, Temporary anchorage devices
Citation Information :
Singh H, Khanna M, Walia C, Khatria H, Fatima A, Kaur N. Displacement Pattern, Stress Distribution, and Archwire Play Dimensions during En-masse Retraction of Anterior Teeth using Sliding Mechanics: A FEM Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (6):739-744.
Aims: This finite element study was undertaken to evaluate the pattern of stress distribution around the implant and anterior teeth during en-masse retraction in the premolar extraction case. Displacement of the teeth and play of wire in the bracket slot were also evaluated to determine the most favorable height of the power arm attached to the arch-wire.
Materials and methods: A three-dimensional (3D) finite element model of the maxilla was constructed using computed tomography (CT) scan. A total of 12 models were fabricated with different heights of power arms placed distal to the canine. A retraction force of 1.5 N was applied from the implant placed between the roots of the second premolar and first molar, and the response was predicted using Analysis of Systems (ANSYS) software.
Results: When power-arm height was near the center of resistance of the anterior segment, stability in the stress distribution around the implant site and anterior teeth was observed. Displacement of the teeth varied along the three planes of space with the change in power-arm height.
Conclusion: For en-masse retraction, power-arm height should be kept at a level of the center of resistance. Play in the bracket slot and the archwire show a negative role in the bodily movement of anterior teeth.
Clinical significance: For efficient en-masse retraction of anterior teeth, it is imperative to study the most effective site of application of force. Therefore, our study recommends certain key points to keep in mind during the attachment of the power arm and engaging wire in the bracket slot, which could benefit the orthodontist immensely.
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