Citation Information :
Manohar R, Venkatesan K, Raja S, Kanakasabapathy BS. Assessment of Microbial Contamination of a Toothbrush Head with and without a Protective Cover: An Ex Vivo Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (4):455-457.
Introduction: The oral cavity is colonized by various groups of microorganisms. Toothbrushing is a common method of maintaining oral hygiene and, upon regular use, can become heavily contaminated with microorganisms. To avoid contamination of the toothbrush with microorganisms from the external environment, toothbrushes can be protected by a protective cap, the significance of which is unknown. Objectives: To assess the microbial contamination of the toothbrush with and without a protective cap and to find the significance of the same against microbial contamination. Materials and methods: An ex vivo study was conducted in the Faculty of Dental Sciences, Sri Ramachandra University. A total of 40 toothbrushes were distributed among dental students aged 18–25 years; 20 were protected by a cap, 20 were unprotected, and instructions were given to recap the toothbrush after brushing. After 1 month of regular usage, toothbrushes were collected, and organisms were identified based on Gram's reaction followed by a biochemical test. Results: From the study conducted, it is evident that the microbial contamination of the unprotected toothbrush is higher than that of the toothbrushes that were protected with a cover.
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