Citation Information :
Vathariparambath N. A Cone Beam Computed Tomographic Study on the Location of Mandibular and Mental Foramen in Indian Pediatric Population. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (4):422-427.
Aim: To determine the location of mandibular foramen (MF) and mental foramen (MeF) in 8–18-year-old children using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: Hundred CBCT images of children (8–18 years) were evaluated to determine the shortest distance from MF to the anterior border of ramus (A), posterior border of ramus (P) and inferior border of the mandible (MI), most superior point of the curvature of mandibular notch (MN), occlusal plane of the mandibular permanent molars (O), and the distance from MeF to lower border of mandible (BM) and to the alveolar crest (AC). Results: There was a statistical increase in A-MF, P-MF, MI-MF, MN-MF, and O-MF values with age. MF was found to be 3.53 mm below the occlusal plane in 8–11-year-old children, and it reaches the occlusal plane by 12–14 years of age, and it moves posterior-superiorly 3.58 mm above the occlusal plane in 15–18-year-old individuals. AC-MeF value decreases whereas the BM-MeF value increases with age and there was a significant difference based on sex. Conclusion: The location of the MF is just posterior to the middle of the ramus, it reaches the level of the occlusal plane by the age of 12–14 years, and MF and MeF are shifting posterior-superiorly with increasing age. Clinical significance: The awareness of localization of MF and MeF is of greater importance when administering regional anesthesia in mandible, especially in children. Its position varies according to gender and age, especially during growth spurts. Failure to achieve proper nerve block leading to repeated injection of the local anesthetic solution will not only pose a behavior problem in children but can also lead to systemic toxic level of anesthetic solution being administered. Its accurate position enables more effective local anesthesia and improves child cooperation, minimizing the risk of complications.
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