Comparison of the Influence of a Packaged Fruit Juice on the Bacterial Adhesion on a Glass Ionomer Cement and an Esthetic Restorative Material In Vitro
Alok Patel, Sayali P Belsare, Shweta S Jajoo
Keywords :
Composite, Fruit juice, Glass ionomer cement, In vitro
Citation Information :
Patel A, Belsare SP, Jajoo SS. Comparison of the Influence of a Packaged Fruit Juice on the Bacterial Adhesion on a Glass Ionomer Cement and an Esthetic Restorative Material In Vitro. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2022; 15 (3):327-331.
Objective: The aim of this research was to evaluate and compare the effect of a packaged orange juice on the two most commonly used restorative materials in pediatric dentistry.
Methodology: Fifteen samples each of 6 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness of a glass ionomer cement (GIC) and an esthetic restorative material were prepared using silicone rings. These were exposed to a packaged orange fruit juice and then placed in a standard culture of Streptococcus mutans. The bacterial adhesion to these samples was evaluated after exposure to the fruit juice for 1 day and for 7 days.
Results: Results from the study show that there is a decrease in the colony forming unit (CFU) after exposure to the packaged fruit juice as opposed to the studies using carbonated acidic drinks, which have shown a consistent rise in the CFU due to a change in the surface morphology.
Conclusion: Within the limitations of this study, it was seen that the consumption of fruit juice may not cause a deteriorating effect on the restorative materials considered. However, the results were not statistically significant and further research is necessary to come to a conclusion regarding the reduction in the bacterial count after exposure to the fruit juice.
Clinical implications: With further research, such studies can help in improving the diet counseling practices.
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