Introduction: The present study evaluates the efficiency of 3Mixtatin (a combination of Simvastatin and 3Mix antibiotics) in comparison with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate in primary molars pulpotomy.
Materials and methods: A total of 64 deciduous molar teeth with caries requiring pulpotomy procedure were selected and randomly divided into two treatment groups, Group I- MTA (n = 32), Group II- 3Mixtatin (n = 32). Restoration with Glass Ionomer Cement followed by stainless steel crowns was done after pulpotomy procedure. The clinical and radiographical analysis was done in the subsequent follow-up periods of 3, 6, 9, and12 months simultaneously.
Result: Both groups showed equal success rates, without any significant difference between the MTA and 3mixtatin groups clinically (success rate of 93.8%)and radiographically higher success rate was seen with 3Mixtatin (78% success rate).
Conclusion: 3mixtatin showed similar clinical and better radiographical success rate to MTA. Therefore, 3mixtatin may be a potential alternate pulpotomy medicament in primary teeth.
Key messages: In the present study based on the radiographic findings, 78% success rate was seen in the teeth treated with 3Mixtatin, which was higher than the radiographic success rate of MTA (75%). Therefore, it is reasonable to assume the use of 3Mix with Simvastatin to treat pulpotomized primary molars by 3Mixtatin.
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