Introduction: With increased focus on preventive and promotive interventions in recent years, initial noncavitated carious lesions have drawn attention of healthcare planners as a relevant dental health indicator. Aim and objectives: The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence and clinical sequelae of early childhood caries in District Ambala, Haryana. Materials and method: The present cross-sectional study was conducted among 1,474 children aged 36–71 months old from randomly selected anganwadi centers or preschools. Clinical examination was carried out by single trained calibrated principal investigator and data was recorded on self-structured recording format. The caries assessment was made using International Caries Detection and Assessment system-II [ICDAS -II] and Pulpal Involvement, Ulceration, Fistula and Abscess [pufa/PUFA] Index, respectively. Later decayed, missing, and filled teeth [dmft] values were deduced from ICDAS codes to compare with known indices. Results: The prevalence of ECC was found to be 65.5 % [ICDAS code other than 0] and 38.2% [dmft < 0]. Prevalence of clinical sequelae [pufa < 0] was found to be 16.5%. There was increase in prevalence of dental caries [ICDAS code other than 0] with increasing age, and difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: The high prevalence of dental caries in this younger age-group suggests the need to curate strategies for prevention of early childhood caries and oral health promotion that include supportive and practical advice for parents and caregivers of preschool and anganwadi children. Clinical significance: Traditionally, dental caries are detected at cavitation stage however last 20 years have seen the shift to detection of noncavitated lesions that have slow rate of progression and it is the right time for controlling the severity of the lesion. The present study also highlights the need for the non-surgical management of noncavitated lesions.
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