Aim and objective: To evaluate the association between oral stereognosis with malocclusion in children.
Materials and methods: Stereognostic investigation was made with a set of seven different geometric configurations (circle, square, triangle, star, clover, diamond, and heart shapes) cut out from fresh, raw carrots using preformed iron molds. Any five of the seven geometric forms were randomly placed inside the mouth on the dorsum of the tongue by the investigator with the subject's eyes closed. A minimum of three shapes correctly identified out of the five offered to each child was considered as an indicator of the adequate stereognostic ability of that particular child.
Results: Among the children under Index of Orthodontic Treatment Needs (IOTN) grade I group, 82.4% of children came under the positive response group. Among IOTN grades II, III, and IV, the percentages of children with positive responses were 72.1%, 58.1%, and 18.8%, respectively. There is a statistically significant (p < 0.001) decrease in positive response with increasing IOTN grades.
Conclusion: The observations from the present study show that there is altered oral sensory perception in children graded as with malocclusion according to the index used and belonging to the age group selected in the study.
Clinical significance: Sensory and motor components of the orofacial region, like any other part of the human body, are inseparable in their structure and function, the association between orofacial growth and development and sensory maturation cannot be overlooked.
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