Keywords :
Apical extrusion of debris, Cleaning efficacy, Kedo-S, Pediatric rotary endodontic files, Pro AF baby gold
Citation Information :
Jain SA, Thosar N, Baliga S, Ahmed F, Mehta J. Comparative Evaluation of Cleaning Efficiency and Apical Extrusion of Debris Using Two Pediatric Rotary Endodontic Files: An In Vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (2):196-200.
Aim and objective: Apical extrusion of debris and cleaning efficacy in primary root canal treatment has not been well elucidated by using specialized pediatric rotary endodontic files. The purpose of this study is to compare the amount of apically extruded debris and cleaning efficacy during the preparation of primary molar root canals using Pro AF Baby Gold and Kedo-S pediatric rotary files.
Materials and methods: Twenty extracted primary molar teeth were assigned randomly to two groups (n = 10 teeth for each group), injected with Indian Ink and instrumented using Kedo-S and Pro AF Baby Gold pediatric rotary files, respectively. The apically extruded debris was collected and dried in pre-weighed using Eppendorf tubes. The dry weight was calculated by subtracting the preoperative weight from the postoperative weight. The cleaning efficacy was evaluated after the diaphanization process. Statistics: Data were analyzed statistically using the independent sample t-test.
Results: The amount of apically extruded debris was significantly less for the Pro AF Baby rotary files group compared to the Kedo-S rotary files group (p < 0.05). Cleaning efficacy was significantly better with Pro AF Baby Gold when compared to Kedo-S rotary files in the apical region of the tooth.
Conclusion: All instruments caused apically extruded debris in primary teeth. Pro AF baby Gold files can be used with less apical extrusion of debris. Cleaning efficacy was shown to be better with the Pro AF Baby Gold pediatric rotary endodontic file.
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