Citation Information :
Jain S, Raza M, Sharma P, Kumar P. Unraveling Impacted Maxillary Incisors: The Why, When, and How. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (1):149-157.
Failure of eruption of maxillary incisors requires careful diagnosis and treatment planning. The cause of impaction may vary from physical obstruction in the path of eruption, tooth material arch length discrepancy to malformation of the tooth. General principles of management of the condition include removal of physical obstruction, creation of space, and surgical exposure with or without traction. The treatment of an unerupted tooth depends upon its age, position, etiology, and amount of space in the dental arch. This case series elaborates on three different cases of incisor impaction with different etiologies and varying ranges of complexity. Three-dimensional radiography was utilized in all cases to accurately visualize the impacted tooth and its relation to adjacent structures. All the cases required different approaches and were completed in varying time durations. Meticulous treatment planning resulted in well-aligned satisfactory functional and esthetic results.
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