Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Tobacco Vendors toward Selling Tobacco Products to Young Children and Adolescents in Central Delhi
Ankita R Verma
Citation Information :
Verma AR. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Tobacco Vendors toward Selling Tobacco Products to Young Children and Adolescents in Central Delhi. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2021; 14 (1):97-99.
Background: Tobacco consumption by youth is a serious public health problem. Regulation on tobacco sales has been given enough attention in our country, but very less information exists about the knowledge and attitude regarding tobacco laws by tobacco vendors.
Aim and objective: To study the knowledge, attitude, and practices of tobacco vendors regarding the selling of tobacco to children and adolescents up to 18 years of age in the Central Delhi area.
Materials and methods: A total sample size of 60 tobacco vendors was selected by random sampling method. The procedure and objectives of the study were explained to them and written informed consent was obtained. A casual interview of the tobacco vendor was taken and answers given by them were recorded using a questionnaire. After completing the data, statistical analysis was performed.
Results: The mean age of children and adolescents visiting tobacco shops was 11.83 years and the minimum age was 8 years. It was reported that 19 (31.7%) vendors always asked the age of the child while none of them asked for proof of age. Forty-two (70%) of them reported these children and adolescents visit their shop alone while 18 (30%) reported that they visit with friends. Khaini was the commonest form of tobacco bought/consumed by children and adolescents. Twenty-seven (45%) vendors reported that these children consume tobacco publically.
Conclusion: Despite knowing various anti-tobacco laws, tobacco vendors are selling harmful tobacco products to children and adolescents.
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