International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

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VOLUME 13 , ISSUE 1 ( January-February, 2020 ) > List of Articles

Original Article

A Comparative Evaluation of a Labial Approach with a Conventional Palatal Approach for Endodontic Access in Primary Maxillary Incisors: A Pilot Study

Jasmin Winnier, Rupesh Suresh

Keywords : Cohort study, Early childhood caries, Labial endodontic access, Primary anterior teeth, Pulpectomy

Citation Information : Winnier J, Suresh R. A Comparative Evaluation of a Labial Approach with a Conventional Palatal Approach for Endodontic Access in Primary Maxillary Incisors: A Pilot Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13 (1):53-56.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1704

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 21-07-2020

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).


Aim: A straight-line access provides an uninterrupted path for a successful endodontic procedure and traditionally a palatal approach was used to achieve the same. A labial access opening may provide a straight-line access to the root canal more consistently than the conventional palatal access opening in primary maxillary incisors; its advantages being improved visibility and direct access to the root canal. This study was designed to compare and evaluate the time taken for pulpectomy in primary maxillary incisors with conventional palatal access and labial access as well as time taken for the postendodontic restoration. Materials and methods: A cohort study was conducted wherein pulpectomy was performed on primary maxillary anterior teeth with labial endodontic access (group I—40 teeth) and palatal endodontic access (group II—40 teeth). Each group was further subdivided into two subgroups of 20 teeth each, requiring postendodontic composite restoration and requiring postendodontic strip crown restoration. Time taken for pulpectomy with both methods and for postendodontic restoration was evaluated. Results: The mean time (in seconds) taken for pulpectomy and postendodontic composite restoration was significantly less with a labial access than a palatal access (p = 0.000). Although the time required for postendodontic strip crown restoration was less with a labial access compared with a palatal access, this difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.907). Conclusion: From the results of this study, it can be suggested that labial endodontic access may be routinely used for pulp therapy of primary anterior teeth. Clinical significance: A labial endodontic access for primary anterior teeth provides a straight-line access and improves operator convenience and patient compliance when compared with a palatal access.

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