Assessment of Intraoral Findings of Neonates, Born in and around Meerut City
Madan M Niranjan, Preetika Chandna
Keywords :
Anterior open bite, Epstein's pearls, Fordyce's spots, Maxilla-mandibular relationship, Gum pad relationship, Oral mucosal cyst
Citation Information :
Niranjan MM, Chandna P. Assessment of Intraoral Findings of Neonates, Born in and around Meerut City. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2020; 13 (1):48-52.
Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the occlusal relationships between the gum pads of neonates and to record intraoral findings in neonates and compare with the existing findings. Materials and methods: The oral cavities of 1,000 healthy neonates from birth to 1 month of age were examined to evaluate the occlusal relationships between the gum pads and to record other intraoral findings in neonates and compare with the existing findings. Oral findings recorded were oral mucosal cysts, Fordyce's spot, Epstein's pearls, Bohn's nodules, ankyloglossia, natal or neonatal teeth and attachment of the upper midline frenum. Relationship between the alveolar ridges was also recorded. Obtained data were evaluated and statistically analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21.0 and Epi-info version 3.0. Results: The maxillo-mandibular relationship of gum pads in approximately 97% cases, the mandible was found distal and lingual to maxilla. The presence of anterior open bite was observed in 9.1% cases. The most common intraoral finding in examined neonates was an oral mucosal cyst, 61.2%. The presence of Epstein's pearls was the next most common finding 38.3%. Fordyce's spots were found only in 1.2% of cases, while the presence of natal/neonatal teeth was only in 0.6% of cases. Ankyloglossia was present in only 0.5% neonates. Maxillary frenum was present in 79.1% of cases and it was attached on the alveolar crest. Conclusion: The results of the present study were in accordance with the pre-existing data. However, anterior open-bite was seen in significantly less percentage of the population.
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