Citation Information :
Erulappan SM. Comparison between the Effectiveness of Rotary and Manual Instrumentation in Primary Teeth: A Systematic Review. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2019; 12 (4):340-346.
Aim: To develop a scientifically current and evidence based protocol on the efficacy of rotary and hand root canal instrumentation in primary teeth.
Materials and methods: Previous randomized control trials were used for the current review. Hand search and online search engines of PUBMED and Google Scholar were used to search English language articles with human subjects published up to December 2016.
Results: After screening of the abstracts and articles, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria a total of 13 articles were included in the systematic review.
Conclusion: Rotary instrumentation shows equivalent cleaning efficiency than hand files depending on the system of instrumentation and techniques used. However, use of rotary in primary teeth leads to improved shaping of canals providing better quality of treatment in less time.
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