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de Sá MA, Nunes E, Côrtes MI, Silveira FF. A Short Time Period in the Treatment of an Open Apice Intruded Tooth: An 8-year Follow-up. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2019; 12 (2):160-163.
Aim: Among traumatic dental injuries, intrusive dislocation is considered to be one of the most serious injuries. Despite the high success rate in complacent patients, the traditional technique of calcium hydroxide inoculation has drawbacks. The good antimicrobial and sealing properties combined with excellent biocompatibility and high success rates of the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) encourage its use.
Background: The objective of this study was to report a successful case of intrusive dislocation in a short time with a follow-up of eight years.
Case description: A patient, seven years of age, presented intrusive dental dislocation, confirmed by radiographic examination, which revealed besides axial displacement of the central incisor towards the bone, incomplete root development. The passive repositioning was chosen as the treatment modality. After cleansing of the root canal, therapy with hydroxide paste was performed for 30 days, and then the apex was closed using an artificial barrier made with apical MTA buffer to facilitate root canal obturation.
Conclusion: Clinical and radiographic signs at 6 months and 8 years of preservation evidence the success of the therapy.
Clinical relevance: Teeth with incomplete root formation when traumatized may have their development process interrupted; consequently their root canals remained ample with thin and fragile walls and the open apex which represents a great challenge to the accomplishment of endodontic therapy. The process of apexification with MTA as in this case is an alternative to traditional therapy based on calcium hydroxide, conferring a faster treatment and a decrease in the odds of fracture of the tooth since from the confection of the apical barrier there is a possibility of being the same restored at an early stage.
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