International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

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VOLUME 8 , ISSUE 3 ( September-December, 2015 ) > List of Articles


A Study of Correlation of Various Growth Indicators with Chronological Age

Sarabjeet Singh, Navreet Sandhu, Taruna Puri, Ritika Gulati, Rita Kashyap

Keywords : Growth indicators, Cervical vertebrae maturation index (CVMI), Frontal sinus width, Antegonial notch depth

Citation Information : Singh S, Sandhu N, Puri T, Gulati R, Kashyap R. A Study of Correlation of Various Growth Indicators with Chronological Age. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015; 8 (3):190-195.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1311

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-06-2019

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2015; The Author(s).


Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship of chronological age with cervical vertebrae skeletal maturation, frontal sinus width and antegonial notch depth and a correlation, if any, among the three variables. Materials and methods: The samples were derived from lateral cephalometric radiographs of 80 subjects (40 males, 40 females; age range: 10 to 19 years). Cervical vertebral development was evaluated by the method of Hassel and Farman, frontal sinus width was measured by the method described by Ertürk and antegonial notch depth as described by Singer et al. The Pearson's correlation coefficients were estimated to assess the relationship of chronological age with cervical vertebrae skeletal maturation, frontal sinus width and antegonial notch depth. Results: The Pearson's correlation coefficient were 0.855 (p < 0.001) between chronological age and cervical vertebrae skeletal maturation, and 0.333 (p < 0.001) between chronological age and frontal sinus width. Conclusion: A highly significant positive correlation was found between chronological age and cervical vertebrae skeletal maturation, and between chronological age and frontal sinus width. Nonsignificant correlation was found between chronological age and antegonial notch depth. How to cite this article: Singh S, Sandhu N, Puri T, Gulati R, Kashyap R. A Study of Correlation of Various Growth Indicators with Chronological Age. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015;8(3): 190-195.

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