Miniplate for Osteosynthesis in a 9-Year-Old with Symphysis Fracture: Clinical Report
Ila Srinivasan, Arihant Bhandari
Keywords :
Symphysis fracture, Open reduction and rigid internal fixation, Miniplate, Osteosynthesis
Citation Information :
Srinivasan I, Bhandari A. Miniplate for Osteosynthesis in a 9-Year-Old with Symphysis Fracture: Clinical Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013; 6 (3):213-216.
Osteosynthesis using minimum material in pediatric mandibular fractures is the key, due to the limited space available in the mandible, especially in the mental foramen and apical region. There is an important role of open reduction and rigid internal fixation in re-establishing facial height, width and projection. During the early years of growth and development, there is a high osteogenic potential of the bones. The thick periosteum allows for rapid consolidation and remodeling at the site of fracture. Primary teeth have short, bulbous crowns which compromise stable maxillomandibular fixation during fracture reduction and stabilization using traditional methods. Further, stability of the fractured segments may be hampered because of the displaced or mobile permanent anterior teeth in the mixed dentition along the line of fracture. This clinical report outlines the use of miniplate with monocortical screws in a 9-year-old boy with symphysis fracture.
How to cite this article: Srinivasan I, Kumar N, Jaganathan U, Bhandari A. Miniplate for Osteosynthesis in a 9-Year-Old with Symphysis Fracture: Clinical Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2013;6(3):213-216.
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