The ameloblastoma is a benign but aggressive neoplasm of odontogenic origin. However, no enamel or hard tissue is formed by the tumor cells. Ameloblastomas are infamous for their invasive growth and their tendency to recur. Robinson (1937) as a benign tumor that is 'usually unicentric, nonfunctional, intermittent in growth, anatomically benign and clinically persistent.’ They may occur at any age, even though nearly half of the tumors do occur between the ages of 20 and 40 years. This is the most common neoplasm affecting the jaws, yet only accounts for 1% of all tumors of the maxilla and mandible and 11% of all odontogenic tumors.
This report presents a case of ameloblastoma involving entire ramus and part of body of mandible with resorption of the mesial and distal root apices of second molar and distal root of mandibular first molar. The lesion extending till the base of mandible surrounding the crown of the unerupted third molar resembling the dentigerous cyst. This was surgically resected followed by harvesting the contralateral sixth costochondral rib graft.
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