Reattachment of a Vertical Complicated Subgingival Crown Root Fracture in a 10-Year Old Child: A Case Report
Vishwas Chaugule, Chetan Bhat, Vishwas Patil, Sajjad H Mithiborwala
Keywords :
Biologic restoration, complicated subgingival, crown-root fracture, fragment reattachment
Citation Information :
Chaugule V, Bhat C, Patil V, H Mithiborwala S. Reattachment of a Vertical Complicated Subgingival Crown Root Fracture in a 10-Year Old Child: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2009; 2 (3):53-60.
Functional, esthetic and biologic restoration of a fractured incisor often presents a daunting clinical challenge. The outcome of conventional composites, prosthodontic restorations in a young patients result in an uncertain longevity of the same. Reattachment of the fractured fragment of a tooth helps in maintaining both morphology and esthetics in a growing child until the permanent long lasting solution is sought after the complete development of the dentition and the jaws. Since fractured fragment exhibited no caries, not even negligible loss of tooth structure and was adapting well to the remaining tooth structure when tried in, the reattachment of fractured fragment was considered as a viable treatment option. This treatment option for complicated subgingival crown-root fracture depicts the involvement of periodontal surgical exposure, endodontic management and ultimately the fragment reattachment.
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