Esthetic Rehabilitation of Primary Anterior Teeth using Temporization Material: A Novel Approach
Neeraj Gugnani, IK Pandit, Jyoti Nagpal
Keywords :
Early childhood caries, Esthetic rehabilitation, Primary tooth trauma, Strip crown, Temporization material
Citation Information :
Gugnani N, Pandit I, Nagpal J. Esthetic Rehabilitation of Primary Anterior Teeth using Temporization Material: A Novel Approach. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2017; 10 (1):111-114.
Pediatric dentists should always aim for esthetic and functional rehabilitation of decayed/traumatized primary teeth. The most common method for restoring such teeth involves the use of “strip crowns” with composites, while the recent trend is toward using other extracoronal restorations including preveneered stainless steel crowns and zirconia crowns. All these restorative options have shown good success rates, but also have some limitations. This case series depicts novel clinical technique of using a temporization material for full-coronal restoration(s) in primary anterior teeth. This included the chair-side custom fabrication of full-coronal restoration using temporization material, which has resulted in good immediate esthetics and might be a cost-effective alternative for restoring primary anterior teeth in future.
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