Extensive Mucocutaneous Verruca Vulgaris
in a Nonimmunocompromised Patient
Rajeev Sharma, Vela D Desai, Durgesh N Bailoor
Citation Information :
Sharma R, Desai VD, N Bailoor D. Extensive Mucocutaneous Verruca Vulgaris in a Nonimmunocompromised Patient. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2011; 4 (1):65-68.
Papilloma virus infections of the oral cavity have been long recognized with various clinical expressions characterized as verruca vulgaris,
Heck’s disease, multiple papilloma and condyloma acuminata. In this paper, we are highlighting a case of verruca vulgaris involving the oral
cavity with extensive skin lesions in a nonimmunocompromised 9-year-old boy. Different treatment modalities are discussed in this article.
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