Complete Management of a Mutilated
Young Permanent Central Incisor
Asha Singh, Varun Goyal, Iqbal Musani
Citation Information :
Singh A, Goyal V, Musani I. Complete Management of a Mutilated Young Permanent Central Incisor. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2011; 4 (1):49-53.
This case report throws light on treatment of immature apices through apexogenesis and an esthetic postobturation restoration of traumatized
young permanent central incisor using a relatively newer methodology of anatomic posts, i.e. shaping the post to the root anatomy. The
authors would also like to underline the significance of rubber dam isolation for more predictable outcomes. The new method of anatomic
post is simple, viable, practical, and less time consuming than thought.