Conservative Management of Dens Evaginatus:
Report of Two Unusual Cases
M Guna Shekhar, S Vijaykumar, J Tenny, GR Ravi
Citation Information :
Guna Shekhar M, Vijaykumar S, Tenny J, Ravi G. Conservative Management of Dens Evaginatus: Report of Two Unusual Cases. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2010; 3 (2):121-124.
Dens evaginatus (DE) is a rare developmental anomaly characterized by presence of an extra cusp arising from occlusal or lingual surfaces. Isolated
occurrence or concomitant presence of DE with other dental anomalies has been reported. DE commonly affects permanent teeth and is rarely seen
in primary dentition. Treatment may be conservative or radical. This article presents two unusual cases of concomitant occurrence of a supernumerary
tooth and DE affecting maxillary deciduous lateral incisor and conservative management of DE occurring concurrently with a possible Oehler’s type
I invagination in maxillary permanent lateral incisor.
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