Citation Information :
Mithiborwala SH, Chaugule V, Poojari M, Pujari P, Pammi T. A Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Etching by the Total Etch and Self-etch Dentin Bonding Systems in the Primary Teeth: An in vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015; 8 (1):30-36.
Objective: Early childhood caries is now affecting the children in dangerous proportions. There is a wide spread loss of the tooth material irrespective of the type of the carious lesion. Restoration of such lesions with a strong permanent bond between the dental tissues and the restorative dental materials would be a highly desirable requisite. Ultramorphological characterizations show that the interfacial morphology and the chemical characterization of the bonding systems appear to be strongly associated with each other and, therefore, observing and understanding the interfacial phenomenon and its quality would be of great importance in the selection of a dental adhesive for its use in pediatric restorative dentistry.
Study design: Human primary molars, which were indicated for extraction, for an array of reasons like caries, normal exfoliation, pathological root resorption, over-retained and serial extraction, were collected for the study purpose. Total number of teeth was then equally distributed into two subgroups, each namely A1 (Prime and Bond NT) and A2 (Xeno III).
Results: The type of etching pattern that was observed in group A1 (Prime and Bond NT) of Silverstone's type II compared to the Silverstone's type III observed in group A2 (Xeno III).
Conclusion: Results of this study indicate that the use of an etchant separately followed by the application of the bonding system—Prime and Bond NT—would provide a better quality of adhesion thus improving the quality and longevity of the restoration done within the limits of enamel in primary dentition.
How to cite this article: Mithiborwala SH, Chaugule V, Katge F, Poojari M, Pujari P, Pammi T. A Comparative Evaluation of the Efficacy of Etching by the Total Etch and Self-etch Dentin Bonding Systems in the Primary Teeth: An in vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015;8(1):30-36.
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