Early Treatment of Class III Malocclusion: A Boon or a Burden?
Mohammadi Begum Khan, Arjun Karra
Keywords :
Rapid maxillary expansion, Early treatment, Class III malocclusion, Two-phase treatment, Interceptive orthodontics, Skeletal class III malocclusion, Facemask therapy, Mixed dentition stage, Growth modulation, Vertical growth pattern
Citation Information :
Begum Khan M, Karra A. Early Treatment of Class III Malocclusion: A Boon or a Burden?. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2014; 7 (2):130-136.
This article presents a case of class III malocclusion, a female patient aged 8 years treated in early stage of its recognition, i.e. treated in early mixed dentition stage, utilizing orthopedic appliance for its correction, utilizing both rapid maxillary expansion and face mask approach. After the skeletal base correction as part of phase of phase I therapy, a retentive plate was given and patient was asked to report every 6 months for review and monitoring of her growth pattern and phase II treatment planning after the eruption of all permanent teeth.
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