Evaluation of Microleakage in Class II Cavities using Packable Composite Restorations with and without use of Liners
Rajesh Arora, Ravi Kapur, Nikhil Sibal, Sumit Juneja
Keywords :
Microleakage, Packable composites
Citation Information :
Arora R, Kapur R, Sibal N, Juneja S. Evaluation of Microleakage in Class II Cavities using Packable Composite Restorations with and without use of Liners. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2012; 5 (3):178-184.
The advent of the esthetic era and advances in adhesive technology saw the emergence of resin composite materials. But the problem of polymerization shrinkage remained. This was due to the contraction of the resin during curing inducing internal and interfacial stresses at the tooth restoration interface, leading to gap formation and subsequent micro-leakage. A number of techniques and modifications in the material have been proposed to minimize polymerization shrinkage and microleakage. In this study, the hypothesis that the placement of resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC) or flowable composite, as liner, beneath the packable composite, on the gingival surface of the tooth [coronal or apical to cementoenamel junction (CEJ)], could reduce the microleakage in class II composite restorations, was tested. Sixty recently extracted noncarious human mandibular molars were used. The teeth were randomly divided into three groups (20 specimens each): Group I (Filtek P60 with RMGIC liner), group II (Filtek P60 with Filtek Z350 liner) and Group III (Filtek P60 without liner). The teeth of each group were further subdivided into two subgroups (equal number of cavities). Subgroup A gingival seat 1 mm occlusal to CEJ on mesial side. Subgroup B gingival seat 1 mm apical to CEJ on distal side. It was concluded that in class II composite restorations gingival microleakage is more at the dentinal surface than on enamel. The use of a flowable composite and RMGIC, as liners, beneath the packable composite, in class II composite restorations, significantly reduces the microleakage when margins are in dentin, but the reverse is true, when the margins are in enamel.
How to cite this article: Arora R, Kapur R, Sibal N, Juneja S. Evaluation of Microleakage in Class II Cavities using Packable Composite Restorations with and without use of Liners. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2012;5(3):178-184.
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