Regenerative Therapy as an Adjunct to Periapical Surgery: A Case Report
Vivek Chaturvedy, Shefali Chaturvedy
Keywords :
Radicular cyst, Apicoectomy, Bone graft
Citation Information :
Chaturvedy V, Chaturvedy S. Regenerative Therapy as an Adjunct to Periapical Surgery: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2012; 5 (1):75-77.
Large periapical defects may adversely affect the success rate of endodontic surgery. Use of regenerative therapy may enhance the prognosis of such teeth. A case of traumatized upper anterior teeth with infected radicular cyst and associated sinus tract reported to the dental hospital. A periradicular surgical procedure was performed to remove the nonhealing pathological tissue. To augment the repair a bioactive bone graft material was placed. Six months interim results showed positive outcome of application of graft.
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