Citation Information :
Milardovic Ortolan S, Strujic M, Aurer A, Viskic J, Bergman L, Mehulic K. Esthetic Rehabilitation of Complicated Crown Fractures Utilizing Rapid Orthodontic Extrusion and Two Different Restoration Modalities. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2012; 5 (1):64-67.
This case report describes the management of a crown-root fractured maxillary right central incisor and a crown fractured maxillary left central incisor using two different techniques.
A complex procedure was designed to manage this case including orthodontic extrusion to move the fracture line above the alveolar bone and surgical recontouring of the altered gingival margin. Finally, the right incisor was restored prosthodontically. Prosthetic treatment was based on performing a post and core, and all-ceramic crown on the extruded tooth. The left, less-damaged incisor was restored directly using composite resin.
The treatment resulted in good esthetics and secured periodontal health. This case report demonstrates that a multidisciplinary treatment approach is a reliable and predictable option to save a tooth.
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