Citation Information :
Gurusamy K, Raju O, Krishna P T, Neeraja R. Oral Rehabilitation of an S-ECC Case with Orthodontic Intervention: 18 Months Follow-up. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2011; 4 (2):153-157.
Severe-early childhood caries (S-ECC) is a specific form of rampant decay of primary teeth in infants, characterized by aggressive tooth destruction. This multifactorial disease in young infants is associated with the frequent use of sweetened fluids and fermentable carbohydrates over extended periods, poor oral hygiene as well as high level of mutans streptococci infection. The disease control and restoration of severely decayed primary teeth in children with S-ECC remains a challenge to general as well as pediatric dentists. This article portrays the oral rehabilitation of a five and half-year-old girl presenting with S-ECC with an 18 months follow-up.
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