International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

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VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 1 ( January-April, 2011 ) > List of Articles


Segmental Orthodontics for the Correction of Cross Bites

Anirudh Agarwal

Citation Information : Agarwal A. Segmental Orthodontics for the Correction of Cross Bites. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2011; 4 (1):43-47.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-1080

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-06-2018

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2011; The Author(s).


Cross bite is a condition where one or more teeth may be abnormally malposed buccally or lingually or labially with reference to the opposing tooth or teeth. Cross bite correction is highly recommended as this kind of malocclusion do not diminish with age. Uncorrected cross bite may lead to abnormal wear of lower anteriors and cuspal interference, mandibular shift resulting in mandibular asymmetry and temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome. There are several methods for treating this type of malocclusion. In this article, segmental orthodontics has been highlighted by using 2 × 4 appliance therapy and lingual button with cross elastics. This appliance offers many advantages as it provides complete control of anterior tooth position, is extremely well tolerated, requires no adjustment by the patient and allows accurate and rapid positioning of teeth.

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