Cherubism, a pediatric disease, is a self limiting non-neoplastic autosomal dominant fibro-osseous disorder of jaws. It is a self limiting disease and rarely apparent before the age of two years. It occurs in children and predominantly in boys. It is characterized by clinical bilateral swelling of cheeks due to bony enlargement of jaws that give the patient a typical ‘cherubic’ look. Regression occurs during puberty when the disease stabilizes after the growth period leaving some facial deformity and malocclusion. Cherubism may occur in solitary cases or in many members of the family, often in multiple generations. Radiographically, lesion appears as bilateral multilocular radiolucent areas. Since it was first described by Jones in 1933, many cases have been documented. Here a case of 8 years old cherubic child, with his clinical appearance as well as radiological evaluation and discussion about clinical outcome are presented. The patient was diagnosed but not treated.
Jones WA. Familial multilocular cystic disease of the jaws. Am J Cancer 1933;17:946-950.
Mangion J, Rahman N, Edkins S, Barfoot R, Nguyen T, Sigurdsson A, Townend JV, Fitzpatrick DR, Flanagan AM, Stratton MR. The gene for cherubism maps to chromosome 4p16.3. Am J Hum Genet 1999 Jul;65(1):151-157.
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Pindborg, JJ.; Kramer, IR. Histological typing of odontogenic tumours, jaw cysts, and allied lesions. 1st ed). Geneva: World Health Organization; 1971. p. 18-19.
Thompson N. Cherubism: Familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaw. Br J Plast Surg 1959;12:89-103.
MC Clendon JL, Anderson DE, Cornelius EA. Cherubism: hereditary fibrous dysplasia of the jaws. II. Pathologic considerations. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1962;15:17-41.
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Thompson ER. Multiple giant-cell tumors: report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1962;15(suppl 2):69-73.
Bruce KW, Bruwer A, Kennedy RL. Familial intraosseous fibrous swellings of the jaws (cherubism). Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1963 Aug;6(8):995-1014.
Bloom J, Chacker FM, Thoma KH. Multiple giant-cell lesions of bone: report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1962;15(suppl 2):74-83.