Giant Cell Fibroma of the Anterior Palate in a Pediatric Patient
Joel Mathew, Sherin C Jose, K Korath Abraham, Ektah Khosla
Keywords :
Case report, Fibroma, Giant cell, Hyperplasia
Citation Information :
Mathew J, Jose SC, Abraham KK, Khosla E. Giant Cell Fibroma of the Anterior Palate in a Pediatric Patient. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (9):1068-1070.
Aim and background: This report aims to present a case of giant cell fibroma (GCF) of the anterior palate in a pediatric patient.
Case description: A 5-year-old patient reported to the department with a chief complaint of swelling in relation to the palatal region for 6 months. An excisional biopsy was done, and after microscopic analysis, the swelling was diagnosed as GCF. The patient was recalled for routine follow-up after 5 months, and there was no evidence of recurrence.
Conclusion: Giant cell fibroma is a localized, benign mucosal growth that resembles other fibroepithelial growths, and its difference from other lesions is based on its histopathological features.
Clinical significance: Giant cell fibroma is a rare fibroepithelial lesion that represents approximately 2–5% of specimens submitted for biopsy and 0.4–1% of total biopsies.
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