Cephalometric Evaluation of the Pre- and Posttreatment Changes after the Correction of Class II Division 1 Malocclusion with Twin Block Appliance in Mixed Dentition
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Bimalrag B, Ephraim R, Ayilliath A, Punathil S, James J, Venugopal J. Cephalometric Evaluation of the Pre- and Posttreatment Changes after the Correction of Class II Division 1 Malocclusion with Twin Block Appliance in Mixed Dentition. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (7):783-789.
Aim and objective: To evaluate the pretreatment cephalometric records on the dental, skeletal, soft tissue, and incisor relationship with a twin block functional appliance in class II malocclusion patients in and around Mahe; evaluate the posttreatment cephalometric records on the dental, skeletal, soft tissue, and incisor relationship with a twin block functional appliance in class II malocclusion patients in these children; and to compare cephalometrically certain dental, skeletal, and soft tissue points in pretreatment and posttreatment cephalograms in them.
Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 20 class II patients in the mixed dentition period, who were treated with twin block therapy. Each had to meet the following criteria—(1) skeletal class II malocclusion with retrognathic mandible; (2) full cusp class II molar relationship; and (3) an angle of ANB of 50 or greater at the start of treatment. All patients wore the appliance 24 hours/day. The pretreatment cephalometric head films for the group were taken using standard cephalometric X-ray equipment. The length of time required to achieve a class I molar relationship was assessed. Appointments during the twin block phase were scheduled at intervals of 8 weeks. Lateral head films were obtained again at the posttreatment follow-up stage.
Results: There was a significant increase in effective mandibular length, ramus height, SNB, ANB, overjet, overbite, and I to NA (mm and degrees) after twin block therapy. The maxillary incisor position showed a decrease in its value by 4° in five cases.
Conclusion: Thus, in the present study, evidence of skeletal and dentoalveolar changes leading to the correction of class II division 1 malocclusion with the twin block functional appliance has been established. However, further studies with a longer period of follow-up and a larger sample are required to substantiate the results of the present investigation.
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