International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry

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VOLUME 17 , ISSUE 6 ( June, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Do Hall Technique Crowns Affect Intra-arch Dimensions? A Split-mouth Quasi-experimental Non-randomized Feasibility Pilot Study

Batoul AlRamzi, Manal AlHalabi, Mawlood Kowash, Anas Salami, Amar H Khamis, Ahmed Ghoneima, Iyad Hussein

Keywords : Children, Dental caries, Hall technique, Preformed metal crowns, United Arab Emirates

Citation Information : AlRamzi B, AlHalabi M, Kowash M, Salami A, Khamis AH, Ghoneima A, Hussein I. Do Hall Technique Crowns Affect Intra-arch Dimensions? A Split-mouth Quasi-experimental Non-randomized Feasibility Pilot Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (6):673-682.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10005-2858

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 22-08-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Aim and background: The Hall technique preformed metal crowns (HT-PMCs) are allegedly oversized, temporarily altering inter-arch relationships. Intra-arch dimensions and leeway space (LWS) HT effects are unknown. Aim: To study single HT-PMC intra-arch effects and treated tooth dimensional changes. Materials and methods: Split-mouth, quasi-experimental, non-randomized feasibility pilot study. Intraoral scans (iTero II®) were taken preorthodontic separator placement (scan1), immediately post single HT-PMCs (scan2) in 13 children, and 1 month later (scan3) in eight children. Control and study quadrants’ lengths (“arcs”) and HT-PMCs/control tooth dimensions [mesiodistal (MD), buccopalatal/lingual (BP/L), diagonal (Diag1/Diag2)] were recorded in mm (OrthoCAD® software). Paired t-test, repeated analysis of variance (ANOVA) post hoc analysis statistics (p < 0.05). Results: Compared to scan1, the mean study arc increased by 0.7 mm (±0.5) (n = 13, t-test, p < 0.001) at scan2, while at scan3, it increased by 0.8 mm (±0.34) (n = 8, repeated ANOVA, p = 0.008). The HT-PMCs-treated tooth mean dimensions increased at scan2 by 0.9 mm (MD), 0.8 mm (BP/L), 0.5 mm (Diag1), and 0.7 mm (Diag2) (t-test, p < 0.001) with similar observations at scan3. There were no significant changes in the control arc or the control tooth measurements. Conclusion: One single HT-PMC increased the intra-arch quadrant length by approximately up to <1 mm. The HT-PMC-treated tooth was marginally oversized. This pilot study paves the way for a more robust study with a larger sample size.

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