A Rare Case Report of Unusual Number of Compound Odontomas in a Pediatric Patient
Mridula Goswami, Neha Chauhan, Smriti Johar
Keywords :
Case report, Diagnosis, Management, Odontomas
Citation Information :
Goswami M, Chauhan N, Johar S. A Rare Case Report of Unusual Number of Compound Odontomas in a Pediatric Patient. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (4):497-500.
Aim: This case report aims to describe the importance of early diagnosis, clinical features, and timely management of multiple odontomas in pediatric patient.
Background: Odontoma is a benign odontogenic tumor of epithelial and mesenchymal origin. Odontomas can occur in multiples and can be associated with other dental anomalies. It may adversely affect the normal development and eruption of the permanent succedaneous teeth.
Case description: We report a case of multiple odontomas in association with unerupted permanent incisor and its surgical management.
Conclusion: The efforts in diagnosing and managing odontomas at an early age hold a good impact on a child's oral health status.
Clinical significance: Early diagnosis, proper treatment planning, appropriate management, and regular follow-ups of odontomas hold great importance for pediatric dentists as well as general dentists in routine dental practice.
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