Face Mask Therapy and Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment for Skeletal Class III Malocclusion: A Case Report
Lam N Le, Thao T Do, Khanh Vu P Le
Keywords :
Anterior crossbite, Case report, Face mask therapy, Maxillary deficiency, Posterior bite turbos, Skeletal class III malocclusion
Citation Information :
Le LN, Do TT, Le KV. Face Mask Therapy and Comprehensive Orthodontic Treatment for Skeletal Class III Malocclusion: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (3):368-376.
Aim: This article aims to report a case of face mask therapy and comprehensive orthodontic treatment for skeletal class III malocclusion in a 16-year-old girl.
Background: Treating skeletal class III malocclusion in a growing patient is crucial, as it can help avoid the need for additional surgery. Early treatment also lessens the negative impacts of the patient's facial abnormality on their social life because surgery is only done later.
Case description: In this case report, a 14-year-old female patient presented with skeletal class III malocclusion with primary complaints of anterior crossbite. There was no relevant medical history. Face mask therapy and fixed appliance therapy were components of the treatment approach that successfully corrected the malocclusion. The total period of treatment was 20 months.
Conclusion: The treatment resulted in a harmonious face, a well-aligned smile arch, stable dental and skeletal relationships, and significant esthetic improvements, including improved facial symmetry and profile.
Significance: A growing teen who has a skeletal class III malocclusion and a maxillary deficit may be helped by a combination of face mask therapy and thorough orthodontic treatment. This case report outlines the use of the aforementioned technique to successfully treat a 14-year-old child with class III malocclusion and maxillary deficiencies.
Early management of skeletal class III malocclusion in developing adolescents is vital as it can potentially eliminate the necessity for future surgical intervention, leading to improved treatment outcomes.
Careful case selection, patient cooperation, and long-term stability enable a successful, stable, and esthetically pleasing treatment outcome.
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