Citation Information :
Mistry L, Deshpande SS, More SG. Management of Infected Dentigerous Cyst in an 8-year-old Patient Using Decompression Technique: A Case Report and Review of Literature. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2024; 17 (10):1176-1180.
Odontogenic cysts can be treated in a number of ways, mostly aggressively by enucleation, less frequently conservatively. One such therapeutic approach is cyst decompression. It entails releasing the intraluminal pressure inside the cystic cavity, which shrinks the cyst and avoids the need for a more radical method of managing large cysts. This article presents the case study of an 8-year-old male child with an infected odontogenic cyst, treated with a unique decompression approach.
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