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Srivastava SK. Association between Severe Early Childhood Caries, Dietary Preferences, and 2nd Digit–4th Digit (2D:4D) Ratio. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023; 16 (5):740-744.
Background and aim: To evaluate the association between severe early childhood caries (S-ECC), dietary preferences, and 2nd digit–4th digit (2D:4D) ratio. The objective is to contrast the detection and prevalence of dental caries in children with different sensitivity levels to the bitter taste of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) and its association with 2D:4D.
Materials and methods: A total of 300 children below 71 months of age were assigned to two study groups—group I (caries-free) and group II (caries). PROP sensitivity test was carried out to determine the inherent genetic ability to taste a bitter or sweet substance. Evaluation of dietary preferences was carried out using a food preference questionnaire, which was completed by the parents of the children to know the child's dietary habits and their sweet, sour, and strong taste preferences. The length of the index (2D) and ring (4D) finger was measured with the help of digital vernier caliper to record the 2D:4D ratio. The data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis using Pearson's Chi-squared test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Results: The results suggested a positive association between S-ECC and dietary preferences but could not establish a straightforward 1:1 relation between 2D:4D ratio and S-ECC.
Conclusion: An individual considered as nontaster by PROP test was a sweet liker with low 2D:4D ratio having high caries index. The association between 2D:4D ratio and S-ECC should further be explored by taking other influencing factors into consideration before arriving at a definitive conclusion.
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