Citation Information :
Reddy VN, Lakhotia R, Jenny A, Ravi PH, Kanugondappa R. “Comparative Evaluation of Three Different Microabrasion Techniques in Esthetic Management of Fluorosis”: An In Vivo Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023; 16 (4):572-581.
Aim: “Comparative evaluation of three different microabrasion techniques in esthetic management of fluorosis”—an in vivo study.
Materials and methods: A total of 48 permanent incisors in children between the age-groups of 8–12 years with Dean's fluorosis index modified criteria 1, 2, and 3 were included. The patients were randomly divided into three groups; each group included 16 samples. Group I—phosphoric acid and pumice microabrasion (37% phosphoric acid and pumice as abrasive), group II—opalustre microabrasion [6.6% hydrochloric (HCL) acid and silicon dicarbide (SiC2)], and group III—icon etch microabrasion (15% HCL acid gel as icon etch, pumice, and resin infiltrate). Preoperative sensitivity and pulp vitality of each tooth were evaluated. Standardized preoperative photographs were captured for the evaluation of color parameters L1, a1, and b1 by Adobe Photoshop 7 software and an assessment of color enhancement was carried out. Preoperative surface roughness was evaluated with two methods like, cellulose acetate replicating tape and confocal microscope, and Epoxy resin replica obtained from the preoperative impression of teeth using additional silicone and contact profilometer. Microabrasion was done accordingly. Postoperative values of all the parameters were evaluated.
Results: Phosphoric acid and pumice showed the best color change, followed by icon etch resin infiltrate. Opalustre (6.6% HCL acid and SiC2) and was unsuccessful as it had less concentration and was more abrasive.
Conclusion: Phosphoric acid and pumice showed the best color enhancement, followed by icon etch resin infiltrate and opalustre. Icon etch resin infiltrate showed minimal surface roughness followed by phosphoric acid and pumice and opaluster group.
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