Citation Information :
Sojan M, Thakur S. An Unusual Case of Mesial Supplementary Lateral Incisor: A Case Report. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023; 16 (3):518-521.
By definition, supplemental teeth are supernumerary teeth (ST) resembling adjacent teeth at the end of a tooth series and are well aligned in the arch. A case of the non-syndrome, supplemental type of supernumerary lateral incisor is presented, along with an unusual habit that was noted accidentally in the same child. In the present case, of the two lateral incisors, the mesial supplemental lateral incisor was causing an impaction of 11. In addition, the patient was aesthetically concerned. So, the decision was made to extract the supplemental tooth with altered morphology (mesial one) under local anesthesia even though, as per definition, the distal one is the supplementary tooth. And finally, to align the incisors by orthodontic treatment.
Aim: A case of the non-syndrome, supplemental type of supernumerary lateral incisor is presented, along with an unusual habit of that was noted accidentally in the same child.
Background: By definition, supplemental teeth are supernumerary teeth (ST) resembling adjacent teeth at the end of a tooth series and are well aligned in the arch.
Case description: In the present case, of the two lateral incisors, the mesial supplemental lateral incisor was causing impaction of 11. In addition, the patient was aesthetically concerned.
Conclusion: Decision was made to extract the supplemental tooth with altered morphology (mesial one) under local anesthesia even though, as per definition, the distal one is the supplementary tooth. And finally, to align the incisors by orthodontic treatment.
Clinical significance: Decision-making regarding removal of tooth is quite baffling as a selective removal of the normal or the supplementary tooth may be required and it should be made after analyzing multiple factors.
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