Evaluation of the Effects of Topical Fluoride Varnish and Fluoride Releasing Adhesive on Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets: An In Vitro Study
Keywords :
Fluoride releasing adhesive, Fluoride varnish, Shear bond strength
Citation Information :
Chauhan C, Mangla R, Gandhi G, Bhatnagar D, Singh K, Baijal R. Evaluation of the Effects of Topical Fluoride Varnish and Fluoride Releasing Adhesive on Shear Bond Strength of Orthodontic Brackets: An In Vitro Study. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2023; 16 (1):37-41.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro effects of topical fluoride varnish and fluoride-releasing adhesive on the shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic brackets.
Materials and methods: A total of 60 extracted premolars were bonded to 0.022, stainless steel brackets and equally divided into three groups (n = 20) based on the adhesive used—Group I- Transbond XT Plus color change (3M Unitek), Group II- Transbond XT followed by application of fluoride varnish, and Group III- Transbond XT (3M Unitek) adhesive and their bond strengths were compared. Brackets were debonded with a universal testing machine. The modified adhesive remnant index (ARI) was also recorded. Data were analyzed by using an analysis of variance, and a post hoc test was performed for multiple comparisons among the groups.
Results: There were no significant differences between the SBSs (p = 0.91) between the groups. Also, no significant difference was found in the modified ARI (p = 0.093).
Conclusion: The orthodontic adhesives used in our study, with or without the application of topical fluoride varnish, did not have a significant effect on the bond strengths of brackets.
Clinical significance: Adhesives evaluated in this study can be successfully used for bonding brackets.
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