Evaluation of Remineralizing Potential of CPP-ACP, CPP-ACP + F and β TCP + F and Their Effect on Microhardness of Enamel Using Vickers Microhardness Test: An In Vitro Study
Deepa V Bhat, Kiran L Awchat, Pooja Singh, Manish Jha, Kashika Arora
Context: The change in understanding of dental caries which is now believed to be a reversible lesion has led to the change in its management.
Aim: To evaluate the remineralizing potential of three remineralizing agents [casein phosphopeptide (CPP)—amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP), CPP-ACP + F, and beta-tricalcium phosphate (β TCP) + F] and their effect on microhardness of enamel using Vickers microhardness test.
Materials and method: Forty freshly extracted premolars, extracted for orthodontic purpose were collected and specimen prepared. The specimens were equally divided into four groups. Baseline surface microhardness measurement was taken for the specimens. Demineralization of enamel was carried out by keeping the specimens in 20 mL of demineralizing solution for 72 hours, and microhardness was evaluated. Remineralizing agents CPP-ACP, CPP-ACP + F, and β TCP + F was applied to Group A, Group B, and Group C, respectively for 28 days and microhardness was evaluated again. Group D was kept as control group. Statistical analysis was done by One-way ANOVA test. Percentage microhardness recovery was calculated to evaluate the regain in microhardness after remineralization and thus assess the remineralizing efficacy of the agents.
Results: After demineralization surface microhardness of enamel decreased to the range of Vickers hardness number (VHN) 155–167 but after application of remineralizing agents surface microhardness for Group B was found to be highest, in other words, VHN 240.78 followed by Group C, in other words, VHN 214.29 and Group A the least VHN 197.90.
Conclusion: The result of this study concludes that surface microhardness of enamel decreased after demineralization procedure and increased after application of all the remineralizing agents. The highest increase was seen in group tested with CPP-ACP + F followed by β TCP and least for CPP-ACP. The values for all the three groups were higher than the control so we can conclude that all the agents can be used as remineralizing agent with CPP-ACP + F being the best among the three.
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