Aims: To evaluate and compare three different treatment modalities in the management of deep carious lesions in primary molars.
Material and methods: A total of 60 primary molars from patients aged 4–9 years were randomly divided into three groups with 20 samples each. Sample in Group I received indirect pulp therapy with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate [MTA] as lining material, Group II received the modified Hall technique, and Group III MTA pulpotomy. The patients were evaluated at 1, 3, 6, and 9 months as per evaluation criteria for success or failure of the same. A Chi-square test was used for proportions and for comparison between groups.
Results: Clinically, the success rate for the modified Hall technique and MTA pulpotomy was higher than indirect pulp therapy. Radiographically, the modified Hall technique had the highest success rate of 100 percent among the indirect pulp therapy and MTA pulpotomy. This success rate was however not statistically significant.
Conclusion: All three techniques had promising results clinically and radiographically. Since the results were not statistically significant, conservative treatment like Modified Hall's technique can be preferred over the surgical approach [MTA Pulpotomy].
Clinical significance: This study compares newer techniques called Hall's technique with traditional techniques like indirect pulp capping and MTA pulpotomy. Hall's technique is a quick and noninvasive procedure, which involves fitting the crown and seating it over the tooth without any caries removal/ tooth preparation and no local anesthesia is being practiced. In the present study Hall's technique showed higher rates of success compared to the other two procedures.
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